Court Order Acceptable for Processing (COAP) and Thrift Savings Plan Court Order

A COAP divides federal employees’ pension benefits – either through the Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS) or Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS). In addition to the pension, federal employees also have a Thrift Savings Plan account, which requires a separate court order.

Download COAP Request Form
Download TSP Request Form


$500/each or $900 for both

Note: If you request multiple court orders in a single case at the same time, there is a $100 discount on each additional order.

Electronic Payment

Survivorship Issues

Under federal pension plans, former spouses can lose their right to survivorship if the employee terminates employment before retirement or if the former spouse remarries before age 55. Make sure your client is protected by learning more about federal retirement benefits. We also highly recommend that you use our suggested separation agreement language to address this and other issues.

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